WhatsApp Business: All you need to know

WhatsApp for Business is an excellent tool to manage messaging with your clients in a simple and easy way for both you and the user. With this tool you can define customer service hours, automatic messages, quick responses, create search filters and many other functions that can help you in your relationship with your customer.

Creating a business account on WhatsApp is very simple, you just have to download the WhatsApp Business application and follow the steps to verify the number as in WhatsApp. But keep in mind that if you create a WhatsApp Business account with your personal number it can only be either personal or business, with which it can compensate you to have another number for your business.

How to customize your business account?

After creating your business account in WhatsApp for Business, you have to customize it so that your clients can find everything in a simpler way and transmit what you want to transmit as a business.

To do this you have to click on the three points in the upper corner, then go to Settings and finally click on Edit. There you can edit the different contact methods, such as the website, the email; You can also customize the visual part, changing colors, images among other things. In addition to adding your profiles on social networks, in order to gain closeness with the client also on other social networks.

whatsapp business

How to create a catalog?

Creating a catalog on WhatsApp for Business can be very beneficial and is a simple task. As in the previous step, you have to click on the 3 points and then go to the catalog section and there you can add the different products and services quickly. Easily configure the titles, descriptions and images of a certain product or service.

It is also easy to use, and can help you send only specific products to customers, without having to send them a drive or a pdf with the entire product catalog. Thus, making the deal much closer with the user, improving in a brutal way the experience with your company.

To send the different products that you have in the catalog to your customers, you have to access the catalog section as in the previous step and click on the products you want to share then you only have to click on the date in the upper corner and send them to you.

whatsapp business

Automatic messages

Another of the main functionalities of WhatsApp web are the automatic messages, these can help you to notify certain events that occur in your business, without having to be aware of sending them at that specific moment.

These are configured in a simple way, go to the three points in the upper corner, then click on “Messaging tools” and then select the type of message you want to configure. There you can select the time, and the message, to be able to manage all the daily messages at the same time of the working day and not worry about the rest of the day.

But there are many types of automatic messages that can be configured, one of them is the welcome message. With this you can manage the entry of new customers, and welcome them automatically, including, for example, some questions to select the product that best suits them or to solve a certain incident. These messages can help you not to leave your client unconcerned for many hours, and at least thus feel more welcomed and cared for by their business.

Another type of automatic message that can be configured is the absence message, this can be used to manage your clients during the hours when you are not available. And as with the welcome message, you can thus not leave your clients totally unconcerned, being able to them in the event of an emergency to manage possible forms of contact in the absence message in the event that the problem with your is extremely serious. product or service.

Finally and one of the automatic messages that can save you more time are quick messages, these are responses configured based on what the client writes through the chat and as if your company responds instantly with a previously configured message. . This can help you solve very common incidents in your product or service without wasting any time, or to derive a specific client in the different branches of your business. With which the attention and the resolution of the final problem ends up being much more efficient and faster. To create this type of quick message, you can use the FAQs that you added to your website or follow the example of a competitor with a similar product and service to write your own.


WhatsApp for Business is a brutal tool to manage the deal with the client in the closest possible way and without consuming too much time, with which you are gaining as a business both in efficiency and autonomy, as well as improving the speed of dealing with the consumer and thus improve the final customer experience. If you want to learn more about different areas to improve your business, you can continue reading our different articles by clicking here.

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