Our Blog

The blog where you will learn the best strategies to increase your local visibility and thus grow your business.

5 easy tips to improve your web design

5 easy tips to improve your web design

5 easy tips to improve your web designIn a world where the customer is more and more demanding in terms of quality, we cannot be left behind. We must always seek to be the best. And that includes the design of your website. Your website must have a professional design...

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Why copywriting helps you with SEO?

Why copywriting helps you with SEO?

Why Copywriting helps you with SEO?The first thing we are going to do is to give a clear definition of copywriting. We already know that SEO is Search Engine Optimization, search engine optimization, which is the same thing. That is to say, SEO is all those actions...

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How to create your own content strategy?

How to create your own content strategy?

How to create your own content strategy?Content marketing is the present and the future, it is what makes up the internet and is the main pillar of the well-known Inbound marketing, and the basis of this is the content strategy. With this content we intend to...

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5 neuromarketing TIPS for your business

5 neuromarketing TIPS for your business

5 neuromarketing TIPS for your businessThis text is part of a new category of neuromarketing texts, in which we will explain small tips based on neuromarketing that can help you sell more in your business. In this text we will focus more on the part of the product and...

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How to improve the speed performance of your website?

How to improve the speed performance of your website?

In this short article we will explain how to analyze and later improve the loading speed of your website, specifically in WordPress. Speed ​​is a very important factor both in SEO and in your client’s experience with your website.
Pages with very high load times tend to have higher bounce rates and fewer page views.

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WhatsApp Business: All you need to now

WhatsApp Business: All you need to now

WhatsApp for Business is an excellent tool to manage messaging with your clients in a simple and easy way for both you and the user. With this tool you can define customer service hours, automatic messages, quick responses, create search filters and many other functions that can help you in your relationship with your customer.

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Guide to attract more costumers to your Local Business

Guide to attract more costumers to your Local Business

At Local Max we want to help you, and we have developed a guide based on 20 points so that you can attract more customers to your local business. As the techniques evolve and we discover others that have more impact on the business, we will put them in this guide, so save the link and stay tuned for future updates.

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